Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I am a graduating student of Assumption College of Nabunturan. May God will always be at my side to guide and protect me in every decision I have.May the power of the Holy Spirit bestowed me always. I want to fullfill all my dreams in life together with Gods will. I want to be a good servant and a good entreprenuer someday."GOD WILL NEVER LEAVE ME EMPTY ,HE WILL REPLACE EVERYTHING I LOST, IF HE ASK ME TO PUT SOMETHING DOWN,IT'S JUST BECAUSE HE WANTS ME TO PICK UP SOMETHING GREATHER."

"Mediatization of the Youth"

The Assumption College of Nabunturan had a sympossium and it was held on November 13, 2008 at ACN gymnassium, it was entitled, "Mediatization of the Youth",the speaker was Rev. Fr. Christian Buenafe.

Through the sympossium the students knew about the definition,forms,culture and effect of the media.

There are five forms of media:folk/traditional;group visual media;print media;broadcast and electronic and non-mediated media.Under the folk there 13 examples,one of it was ballads. Slides,stickers,public debates are the examples of group visual media.In print media,everything that you can read like newspapers,magazines,newsletters and pamplets.Radio,stereo,broadband are the broadcast and electronic media devises.In non-mediated media,people talked in person or face to face,role playing,networking,drama and symposia are the examples of the said media.

1.1) The contribution of internet in the world of media helps youth to be more fascinate,dedicated,unique and modernize in terms of exchanging ideas or messages using the hightech device use for communication purposes.It gives benefit to the people were the works will be more productive and effecient especially to the businessmen or enterprenuer.

1.2) The internet become a tool in media through excahanging and transporting information from one person to another.Using yahoomail or yahoomesseger we can be able to transmit our messages to our loveones,family and friends.Using cam we can see the image of a person on the other line. We can also search or research information through google or any website in the internet.

1.3) Nowadays, businesses used technologies for operation purposes, it became the most powerful catalyst for modernizing enterprenuer in the mass media. It helps them to perform accurately and productively. In terms of advertising,through the used of technologies it gives a gerat opportunity to sell or promote there product in a perfect and unique way. In computing and keeping the accounts of company every information,receipts or vouchers are already intact and organize according to there specific title accounts.

In the business the most important is to establish good ralation both manager/owner and worker/subordinates. The manager should know about the strength and weaknesses of the workers. There capacity and capability to perform any task or transaction related to there position. They should respect each other and allow people to criticize about your mistakes in order to make it correctly. Do not lost hope about the unfinished business because there are a lot of tomorrows. Be strong enough to face all the possibilities and problems in your life. Stand your own and prove to everybody that you are not a servant but essential contributors to the process of production and good developer of the company.